Summer Term Training
Summer training generally runs from end of April until end of July, but is of course weather dependant. We run age groups up to U13's on a Friday evening at The Hollow and U15's train on a Thursday with the senior team.
Sign up membership day is Saturday 29th March from 10:00 to 14:00. Membership includes a playing shirt, weekly training sessions and intra games.
We train using ability not just age groups. There will be a softball area for the younger juniors through to more technical and detailed hardball sessions for the older juniors. We have a big team of ECB qualified coaches. Training for the younger ones starts at 17:30 to 19:00, and the older sessions starts at 18:00 to 19:30.
For the parents, we do prefer you to stay on site, so the bar is open and we have the BBQ Kings and Queens churning out burgers and sausages. It really is a great way to spend a summer evening.​
For more info or to discuss options with us please contact coltssacc@gmail.com